A Realtor’s Take on “Million Dollar Listing” Episode 4

This week was the first time the three agents were all together, thanks to Josh Flagg’s creative “twilight” open house/house party.

So let’s start with that fantastic night, and the marketing genius who brought it to us, Josh Flagg.  I know I say it almost every week, but I love this guy. He not only gets the extra marketing you need to sell a house in today’s market, he also gets what you need to make good Reality TV.  This week’s task was selling a very hip home with a great view in B.H.   Now this would be an easy sale in Hollywood Hills, since you get that young, hip crowd.  However, to get that buyer to B.H. takes something extra, so Flagg  puts together a twilight open house with a hosted bar.  In addition, to make sure he gets the hip Hollywood real estate agents, he sends his twin blonde interns in to personally entice them.  At the party, he decides to play matchmaker, or as he calls it a “shidduch,“ with Josh Altman & Madison’s assistant Heather.  This prompts Altman to call Flagg a Jewish grandmother, which does seems fitting, and it’s hysterical.

I feel a little sorry for Altman, who comes across so slick, brash and cocky, and can’t even muster a simple “How you doin.” Instead, there’s just some awkward chitchat until Josh Flagg passes through to break the ice.  We will see how this relationship progresses, and what drama it causes between Madison and Altman.

Getting to real estate, Josh Altman had a co-listing in Topanga Canyon with, if I’m not mistaken (Miley Cyrus’s dad) Billy Ray. Okay, maybe not, but he sure did look like him.  The house was to say the least, quite unique, with 2 acres of land and all circular rooms.  I’m sure there’s a buyer somewhere, but the home is in desperate need of a remodel, which will hurt its chances of selling quickly.

This week Madison sells his beach front listing for $5.3 million, to a somewhat short-term thinking young couple with a newborn.  I say this because in negotiation for the home, they agree to fork over an additional $200,000.00 over their offer, when the seller agrees to replace a window.  I don’t think any window is worth that much, unless maybe it’s from the Sistine Chapel.  Regardless of the reasons, they bought a beautiful Malibu beach home for their new family.   Furthermore, Madison once again shows what a great guy he is, as he displays genuine concern for his assistant Heather, and acts more like an older brother then a boss.  Well done Madison, you prove nice guys don’t always finish last.

Tune in next week to see sparks fly between Madison and Josh Altman.