A Realtor’s Take on “Million Dollar Listing” Episode 3

Wow, what an episode! Madison meets Ari for the first time, and there are not one, but two reality show cameos.

Let’s start with Josh Altman, aka Ari. He’s really growing on me. I think there’s actually a good guy under all that slickness and put on bravado. The way he sleeps with his dogs and kisses them goodbye, would make any animal lover proud. We are also both Bostonians, although I don’t remember seeing anyone like him in Boston. Where’s the accent and Red Sox hat? Not to say, I meet any of those stereotypes either, after being in L.A. for 10 years. This brings us to our first cameo, Mauricio from Bravo’s “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.” For those of you who aren’t familiar, don’t stop with just “Million Dollar Listing,” go all in and watch all the trashy reality TV Andy Cohen puts out there. Mauricio is a real househusband of Beverly Hills, and the only person who loves Mauricio more than Kyle (his wife,) is Mauricio himself. What was with the phone segment? Seriously guys, we get that you’re busy. In the end, Josh and Mauricio are able to lease the property for 50k a month. Not bad Josh, especially in this economy. Out of 3 episodes, you’ve nailed 3 contracts.

On to Madison, where he starts the episode by getting fired by his demanding client, which is probably the best thing that happened to him all season. However, shame on you Madison for giving up a big realtor secret, “we love divorces,” since it means one new listing and two new buyers. Don’t get me wrong, we love marriages too, but that’s usually, just one new buyer. Then Madison meets Josh Altman, or as Madison says “in walks Hollywood.” No fireworks yet, but I’m sure there will be, because these two seem like polar opposites. Next we all get a chance to meet Max, from “Dancing with the Stars.” If you aren’t familiar with this show, what rock are you living under? Max is one of the dancers, not one of the stars, so if you don’t recognize him, don’t feel too bad.

In this episode, we also watched Josh Flagg and his grandmother have a tea party. Josh’s grandmother is a great source of knowledge for Josh, and as always, he takes the advice of his grandmother, which is to get an assistant. However, Josh decides instead on interns, so that he won’t have to pay them. Smart move Josh! He goes with twin blondes, with one resume, and makes the choice primarily by how clean their fingernails are. Although, having two cute girls to draw in buyers, doesn’t hurt either. He then gives us all a great lesson on floating when showing a house. So is this why Josh can sell all this super high-end real estate in B.H.? On the other hand, maybe it’s because of his exceptional knowledge of the Beverly Hills area, in addition to his ability to be creative and think out of the box. I think that’s the actual reason why he sells so much, and it’s really not all about the floating.

Another great episode! I can’t wait to see how the interns work out for Josh… See you all next week.